Monday 18 August 2008

Incredible Friday & 300k

I thought Thursday was a good day but it was to fade into insignificance after Friday.
Ian had done his usual stalwart work and sent out the forecast and RASP together with possible tasks.
I must admit that I was not confident that Thursday could be bettered but was still enthusiastic and ready to take up the challenge of the possibility of a 300k.

After rigging and in the throws of entering the task into my LX, I was asked by Will which waypoints I was considering. I was advised to go for Mendlesham and Northampton South and then a direct return track to Tibenham. The reasoning was that they were extremely easy to spot from the air and the final leg routed over favourable landmass for lift if the day did start to die.

I readily accepted the advice and the challenge and set off with a combination of excitement and anxiousness. The latter was unfounded as I quickly settled down into a 6 knot climb and headed through the start and off towards the first turning point. I must say the day was looking exceptional and there was a chirpy exchange of banter on the gliding frequency from the rest of the gang.

The first TP rounded I made good progress and was over Cambridge in what seemed a blink of the eye. There was a fair amount of movement on the Cambridge band and I listened with interest and attentiveness. Bourne and Gransden loomed and passed then Bedford airfield could be seen in the near distance. Over Graffam Water I found myself sharing the same thermal as JRK who said he called , wrote but I did not answer. Sorry John but I was listening but heard nothing. I pressed on in the wake of JRK but never saw him again. Too quick for me these physics teachers. Sorry Headmaster!

Northampton south was rounded and I then turned tail for home. 147km! was my GPS on the blink. I pressed on heading back towards St Ives and Wyton. This was the only anxious point and I started to think I may have to land at Wyton as the clouds I headed for did not seem to yield any lift. Relief....when the river and housing estate gave me 1 knot. I was patient and clawed my way back up from 1800ft to 3000 where 2-3 knots saved my day.
I then hit the jackpot and was back in the 5-6 knot updraft when I was joined by a giant maggot with stiff wings. The hang glider and myself gracefully danced around the same thermal for 5 minutes until I waved goodbye and set off towards Lakenheath at 5700ft.

Being a good boy I made the effort to contact our American cousins at Mildenhall and Lakenheath, even though I was well above their MATZ at 4500ft, but they had obviously gone off for an early weekend.
Lakenheath runway did oblige in giving me the best climb of the day and I set off on final glide for Tib at 6200ft.
Once over Thetford and with 1400 ft in hand I put the nose down and VNE'd it back to Tibenham arriving with 400ft to spare.

and all in 5 hrs 14 min. which gave me full silver, gold distance and diamond goal.

Now I know what is possible I am hungry for more.
Its amazing what you can do if you are patient and put your mind to it.
A big thank you to all of the behind the scene movers and shakers who are an invaluable asset to this club.
Will, I owe you a beer for your sound advice.
Well done and congratulations to Gary, Jan and JRK for completing their 300km
Also to Jenny who was tireless in collating the logger traces and paperwork.


Paul Wilkinson