Sunday 1 February 2009

Snow Flurries...

Another sub-zero flying day with intermittent light snow flurries gradually increasing in strength and frequency as the day wore on. Even so, a number of hardy souls were out lead by Will Day. Those out included, Bob G, Ben M, Phil S, Andrew H, Chris L, and John K, with Jonathan Abbass manning the tug. There was even a bit of soaring with the longest flight of the day being 40 minutes from an aero-tow and the longest off the wire being 13 minutes. Winch Master John R-K (he of newly acquired S&G fame page 50 & 51 Feb/March issue) performed some annual winch driver checks. Paul Wilkinson and I tried to brave the elements in the Grob 109 in what looked like a gap to start work on his BI patter but this was cut short by an approaching snow shower and the motor-glider was quickly put back to bed! Shortly afterwards a heavier snow shower curtailed flying for the day and we all retired to the clubhouse for a winter warmer!