Beautiful blue skies this morning with a light NW wind. Cu started to pop around 11:30am pretty much as forecast and a number of soaring flights followed over the next 4 hours until top cover killed the day around 3:30pm. There were several X/C excursions by private owners, mainly running the well established street between East Dereham (a military exercise DZ at Sculthorpe prevented us going much further NW) and Bungay allowing some decent 'local tasks' of well over 100km and nice views of each coast at the respective TPs. JRK soared the longest scratching away early to clock up well over 3 hours. Longest X/Cs were around 140km. Bob and Ben ran what turned out to be a really busy day with gliding and SLMG flying. Thanks to all who helped make it a good club days flying.

One of several XC tasks completed today. TIB-SWA-BUN-EDE-TIB (145KM)