Adrian completed Honington return in his ASW19 and Steve FH completed the same task in his ASW20, both entering their first flight on the BGA ladder.
Paul Wilkinson and Mark declared larger tasks going out towards Cambridge and Rattlesden, Mark landing at Rattlesden, but Paul completing the task with one turn point missed.
Ian launched around 3:30 and did a quick out and return to Newmarket - proving the task was possible and doing his fastest task of the year at 72kph.
But flight of the day was Peter Ryland going to Northampton and a landout at Grafham Water.
Mention also for Harley who converted into the Astir. And Simon who flew for over 4 hours in his Mosquito (longest flight of the day).
42 launches and half a dozen flights of over 2 hours. A good day had by all.