Cool ENE winds (15-20kts at altitude) made it feel more like early spring than summer. However, by lunchtime usable thermals were popping and those that flew were treated to some decent soaring whilst much of England was exposed to the front lying out to the west.

Dave Munro ran the day aided by Paul Wilkinson doing the BI flying. Others out included Art, Jenny, Geoff T, Ratty, Mark W in his ASW27, Andy and Tom Smith flying their LS8 (Tom completed the new President's Triangle) and me. But the man of the moment was Ben Harker who completed his XC Endorsment Field Landing Cx with Dave Munro in the G109 this morning and then flew a club Astir for 2Hrs plus to push himself further towards his Bronze and XC ticket - Well done Ben! East Anglia certainly seemed to have the best of what weather was on offer today. Longest soaring flight of the day was 3:46. Silver duration was possible!