Sunday 26 July 2009

Summer soaring fortnight - Day 2

A slow start, with conditions not looking too promising, top cover and a strong southerly wind with low cumulus forming below. Club flying began with Will running the day. and some lucky club members getting half priced launches before 11am. After midday the top cover started to clear and the cumulus rose to around 2500ft. Pete Ryland set a number of local turnpoints as a fall back task.

I launched and went for a local bimble around TIB-DIS-GAB-TIB, I was tempted going towards Rattlesden but could see the front approaching from the south and into a 22knt wind it was all a bit slow progress. Cloudbase at 4000ft and the streets being much more reliable that yesterday, Pete decided to land to re-brief the new task TIB-RAT-NOE-TIB but then unfortunately missed the weather window.

I dont think anyone went anywhere but it was a reasonable local soaring day if you were prepared to battle into wind up the cloud streets, and it made the landings more interesting especially for spectators!

Congratulations also to Andrew Hewitt in flying his first flight on the winch in his ASW17.