Bob & Ben ran the day with help from Jan. There was lots of soaring and lots of XC with a wide range of gliders gracing the field from the homebuilt "Woodstock" (soaring for 2hrs 30) to high-spec racing gliders. A variety of tasks were set to suit different experience levels and glider performance - and most were completed. There were some very good climbs to be had and I saw 6-7kts on the averager with cloudbase in Norfolk over 4000ft, and 5000 plus near Cambridge.

Will Day went furthest racing round a 300km in his Vega - after which he went round the President's Triangle to push the K's to well over 400 and flying for around 6 hours! Tim Davies (ASW-27 at 98kph) and Tom Smith (LS8 at 115kph - wow!) went round CAX-DIS-SMB but used 'barrels' handicapping the task to just short of the 300.8km that 'sectors' gave. After falling out from my first tow (Doh!!) I followed in my ASW-20 starting off over an hour behind and (using TP sectors) managed to saunter round at 73kph. By the time I got back Tim had handed the 27 over to Mark who flew down to Ipswich and back. Jenny flew her ASW-19 and completed GRF-EDE-BUN-GAB (160km) and Steve F-H went round GRF-EDE-NOE (125km). Visitor Fred Hill from Nympsfield had the required Cx-flts then explored the flatlands soaring for nearly 4 hours and went to Cambridge, Norwich and back in his ASW-20 '81'.

All in all there were 44 lauches and 60hrs & 26mins flown giving an average flight time of 1hr & 23mins!!! A great fun soaring day. Thanks to all who provided launches.