
Another baking hot day with temperatures rising to 26*C making it very uncomfortable in the cockpit until the sea air finally reached us around 1500BST to act like a mini Cold Front and bust the 1700ft inversion and allow Cu to form, and with climbs to nearly 6500ft QFE Silver Height was easily on. Suddenly there were 2-3 hours of 'comfortable' soaring to be had and a few of us capitalised after a long 'grid-squat' and the odd aborted attempt to soar in the unbearably hot blue conditions. I think I was the only one to go XC, and managed a 100km or so (see the BGA Ladder for details).
Will D was Duty Instructor with Steve F-H helping out with the A/X flights again. There were lots of winching and quite a few aero-tows with a number of ab initio training flights, check rides and solo excusions with the whole of the club fleet out again. CFI Mark W concluded his BI course. Congratulations to our newest (and youngest) Basic Instructor James Francis...and welcome to the instructor ranks. Also, well done to Phil M who passed his GFT in the Grob109 to completed his SLMG-NPPL.