We flew untill it was obvious we were going to get washed out ! The NGC Cadets having toiled all day didn't get to fly , We will have to make it up to them.
The following pics are not in the correct order - But take it or leave it, It's all that's coming at you .

Matt trying to play with the big boys! See you again jn a year or two !

The Good , The Bad & Mike Bean

I told her where my caravan was - She must have forgotten !

"Yet" Honestlly That's her Name !

We don't need your help !

The " Nutty Boys " !

Mr.Cool - He thinks !

This Lady runs the "Swing Band" I think her name is Karen !
God, I'm slow off the mark !

The crowd plead for more

The Swing Band

See You all at briefing in the morning at 9:30 !