Mick "Mustard" Hughes - Resident NGC Instructor shows off the latest syndicate machine at Tibenham.

A shot of NGC Cadet Peter Carter putting the Land yacht through its paces on Runway 33, Shortly after turning on to Runway 26 young "Get" Carter picked up even more pace resulting in him shooting off the end of the runway , across the peri track and well into the camping/caravaning area narrowly missing a very expensive looking vehicle and an even more solid looking caravan ! Sadly your photographer missed a chance to capture this event due to rolling around in laughter along with the rest of the watching membership ! The only quote available from "Get" Carter for about 15 minutes was "I'm sorry".

Yup ! It's Vintage Rally Maintenance !

Unlike last night "Nutty Boy" Christoff did not jump out of the helicopter this time !

And te "Jets"