Adrian Prime celebrated his 50 years of gliding with a flight from TIB today ! With usual club precision planning we have no picture of the event ! So Adrian is pictured below with his usual P2 , But you had better ask her "Who has control ?" Congrats Adrian an we wish you many more happy soaring days !

We had a brilliant "Club" day the atmosphere was fantastic with everyone chipping in and doing their bit to ensure a full day of enjoyable gliding ! James had his first "Duty Day" as a BI and showed the pleasures of our sport to 4 people. Andy V ran the day and ensured all went well !

Shipdham solo pilot Lauren Bean has also signed up at TIB as a member - and after a check flight (which truly proved her worth) took her first solo flight from TIB (see above picture for an impression of a "Cheshire Cat ". We look forward to sharing Laurens company with Shipdham for the forseeable future. See ! If you meet the required standards the world is your Lobster !

New TIB "Cadet to be" Harley Crisp takes to the air with NGC Chaiman JRK . Apparently the boy can fly ! (That's Harley not JRK ! (Although he can as well !)) . Ratty has yet to sell Harley an 8 month out of date Calendar !

The usual "Muttering" of members debating what the CFI is doing wrong , Any takers for the job boys ? - I thought not !
Altogether a brilliant day enjoyed by all !