No flying today due to rain and a low cloud base. The wind was also "Brisk" - But some hardy individuals turned out for th "Fun" (?) run !

Like I said , The wind was "Brisk" !
The usual stalls were evident

Keith puts his slick sales approach into action ( One OAP asked him if this was the Charity clothes collection point !)

The "Masses" appreciated the band from under cover ! To be fair the band were pretty good.

Gabriel paid us a visit in one of his modes of transport

There was a ceremony to commemorate the fateful "Kassel Mission"

The commemorative balloons were released -

But all did not go well (again !)

A failed rescue mission !

Some ran for fun !

Some didn't !

Chris & James warm up

The Start Line

And They're off !
The winner in 17 minutes 13 seconds

Robbo recovers

As does James

We've got your number !

Chris and Caroline finishing

The show finished with a classic Clown display ! But that's another story - Ask me when you see me !
Well done to all that took part in very difficult conditions - For a very worthy cause !
Chin Chin