Sunday 23 September 2012

What an equinox!

Saturday 22nd September

An amazing day for late September; just about everyone came out to play.   I had a very busy time; three and a half hours spent in the back seat of the K13 and with various P2s all making good progress in excellent conditions.
Meanwhile Tim H had his first BI duty, and he was busy too, with five trial flights; well done Tim and welcome to the instructor club.
Congratulations to James L for an out and return to Newmarket for his silver 50km and the first part of the 100km diploma in a club Astir; probably a little noisy as one of the undercarriage doors is missing! I wonder if this is becoming a club tradition. Paul G and CJ also did the task, well done.
Best flight of the day has to go to David T who managed HB1 out and return; over 300km in Y11. Brilliant!
Also out, with a newly repaired LNav (cheers Mike H), was 20, along with L58, HNC, OM (who may now have to wait until next season to get around the newer club 100, but you never know) and others I only found out about when I checked the log at the end of the day, perhaps some will appear on the ladder.
Over 50 flights today, not at all bad. Thanks to all for making the effort and flying safely.
And a great ceilidh to end the day. Very many congratulations to Karen and Mark.