Monday, 6 May 2013

Inter club league, Tibenham, 4th and 5th May 2013

Peter Ryland's report as task setter....

Day 1 Saturday
The weather forecasts conflicted a lot. In the end the strength of the wind and instability of the air were much more than forecast, producing very strong conditions in a 20kt Westerly wind, followed by big cloud streets that fired out rain and hail.
The Novices did not fly, but 2 pundits and 2 Intermediates from Tib and Wormingford took off and made a start.
The best flight of the day was George Green in T5 Discus who nearly got round the 118km task: TIB-THE-NMT-TIB having fallen out of the cloud climb due to hail, turned the furthest TP, but ended in a field near Debden.

Paul Robinson (WRM)   4points.
Dave Munro (TIB) 3 points

George Green (WRM) 4points. 
David Taylor(TIB) 3 points

Day 2 Sunday.

All weather forecasts showed much lighter SW winds and overcast slowly moving east to reach us between 4 and 7 pm, so tasks were set to make the best of the good area. Blue conditions for much of the flight were expected and most started in the blue, finding some cu further west.
Pundit:  TIB-KLY-SMB-BSE-TIB 190 km circumnavigating the Lakenheath MATZ and Stanford danger area.
Rob Nunn(WRM) 4 points completed at 69 kph.
Norman Clowes (TIB) 3 Points 61kph.
Roger Davis (RAT) 49kph 2 points.

Inter: TIB-MRM-CAM-BS1-TIB 169km. As above.
David Taylor (TIB) 4points completed at 60.5 kph
George Green (WRM) 3 points completed at 56kph

Novice. TIB-SWT-RAT-TIB 102km with swt-rat being a silver distance.

Peter Carter (TIB) completed, inc silver distance and 5 hours. 4 points.
David Hearn (WRM) landed at Rattlesen.  3 points.

A lovely day at Tibenham, which also hosted a group of Peter Harrison Foundation sponsored disabled flyers.

****More flying all this week in the Spring Task Week. Briefing 10 am each day ****



Ed after gaining his Silver Height

Peter after completing entire Silver Badge in one flight.

James after completing Silver distance.

Making excellent use of our K-21 during our disability press day on Sun.

David Jenkins performing some incredible aerobatics during the day.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Men At Work

On the first day of the interclub league, club members first helped re-rig the club ASK 21, which had been down to Zulu Glasstek for the final piece of work to make it friendly for people who have limited use of their legs.

The instruments now raise up as the front canopy is opened, much like many single seaters.

This also makes it easier for anyone to get in and out, and get their feet and legs under the front instrument panel.

The work was carried out in the lee of the hanger, as it was gusting 24Kts.