Monday 17 March 2014

Sunny and Busy

What a nice blue March day. The wind had a bit of a chill but that didn't stop the band of many merry pilots from turning out and enjoying it. All three club two seaters, an Astir, the Grob 109 and Mark Wright's ASW27 all made an appearance, although the wind and inversion meant that there wasn't much in the way of thermals. I did manage to hover at 2,800ft for about 5 minutes with a trial flight but I'm not sure how!

Lots of training flights and pilots (including myself) blowing off the cobwebs after the winter. Congratulations to Angus for going solo again after 10 years away from gliding and thanks to Andy Videon (duty dog) and David Taylor (duty winch dog) for keeping the show on the road, along with the many other volunteers pushing gliders around and constantly retrieving from half way down the pesky runway 26 - you know who you are.

Let's hope the good weather sticks around but with a few more fluffy bits!