Undoubtedley the best soaring day this year at TIB.
On what must have been a club record for a Friday - it was super soarable from 11am and continued to well after 6pm enabling in excess of 2000km to be clocked up across the board by NGC pilots. Longest flight time was 7hrs 40 min!!
There were many great soaring flights - including 4 first 300km Gold Distance / Diamond Goal flights...
Well done to Tibenham's FANTASTIC FOUR - JRK (ASW19), Gary Marshall (Astir), Jan Atherton (ASW20) and Paul Wilkinson (Std Cirrus) who also completed his Silver by clocking up 5+ hours and gaining his Silver Height. Congratulations also to Berkeley Pittaway for gaining his Silver Height whilst soaring locally.
...and amazingly nobody landed out - except Tom Smith who decided to fly to Dunstable for the Regionals which start tomorrow, for a remote finish practice 300km.
Fly Safely, Have Fun.
Ian Atherton.