Friday 15 August 2008


Hi Folks ,
What a great day had by all.
I was nearly the only one NOT to get back but for the help and encouragement from Mr Cook in his little power machine , who I believe was sat in the club house having a lovely cup of Rachael's tea when he heard me call South of Great Ashfield at only 1500foot and a little bit desperate for abit of lift. He took off and came to find me and spot a couple of last minute life saving thermals. I for that I OWE HIM A COUPLE OF PINTS.

The outward leg on our epic 300 day started really well flying along side Jan Atherton until Newmarket when I went a wee bit to far South and struggled a bit.How ever there is alot to be said to flying in a group , It really helps to let one fly forward in search of thermals while one stays in lift. Not only does it make things more interesting it gives a greater area to search for better lift. Jan and I even had a Boeing 707 fly around us before we got to Bury.

Unfortunately over Bedford airfield which looks like a super kart track now , my Vario packed in which made things a little bit interesting especially so far away from home . The moral of this one is make sure your batteries are good and carry a couple of spare fuses.... !!!!!
Ohhhh the other tip is to make sure you know what the actual turn point descriptions are so you know what you are aiming for!!!!

After going down over the city (Nott's) just after the turn point I decided to glide towards Sywell Airfield and was just trying to get their frequency on my radio to call " in circuit" when I managed to get a good climb out and after a couple of scratty thermals managed to find one that took me
to 6000ft, which gave me a nice easy flight back to Cambridge North. But that was when things started to turn and I really never got anything after that until Mr Cook came out to help me.

Well all in all it turned out to be a 7hr 40 min flight (wowwww) and didnt my knees Know about it. I could have done with Jenny's crutches when I landed. But I guess flying with stiff knees was a little more comfortable than flying with a cockpit full of sick for 2 thirds of the flight!!!!!!!!(Dont fancy Ians next flight!!)

The best bit of the day though was to find out that every one that went off today all got back with tasks finished, silver heights, 5 hours.

I wish to thank every one at the club today because everyone did something to help us all go, and get back!!! from tugging, wing running, pushing and pulling gliders, standing by as crews , Jenny for doing the loggers and Rach and Eddy for the beer when we landed.

What a fantastic CLUB Im proud to be a part of it.

PS Since coming out of retirement B12 has had 5 flights , 17hrs airtime approx, and over 700kms. FANTASTIC