We had a full day of flying in spite of the forecast with many soaring flights of over an hour . I had to get special dispensation to fly as I'm far too young to fly on a Wednesday !

The "Spidermen" Start to gather !

The Triple- Decker flew again today ! Sorry about the crap photo but I got up late !

"Griff" looks up ! But then again he always has to !

Dave Blythe completed his Bi-Annual checks with Mick H in "BUGL" - They're braver than they look !

Mike Lindsay displays his (normal ?) Sartorial appearance.

Any grey you can do I can do better ! No you can't , Yes I can , No you can't ........etc. etc. !

JRK preps a trial flight

Wade ( You da Man) ! Funnily enough the lorry driver who had an "Altercation" with Wade remained in his cab ! To quote the "A" Team - "You ain't as dumb as you look Sucker ! "

Wade takes the ASK21 for a walk !
All in all ,A good days Club flying .
If you're wondering ? Why "Spidermen" ? Because they need help to get out of the bath !
Chin Chin